Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Decisions! And Critique #1.

Had my first critique today, and I think I'm pretty pleased with the results. I was having trouble deciding between the names "The Book Keep," "The Book Wyrm," and "Brass Kraken Books." Although I like The Book Keep and The Book Wyrm, I agree with the general assessment that the The Book Keep may sound too general and both are too fantasy/medieval themed for a bookstore that includes sci-fi and fantasy as well.

So! Brass Kraken Books it is! The image of the Kraken/tentacles cover all three genres (Watcher in the Water from LotR, Verne's giant squid, Lovecraft's Cthulhu). And I also think that brass is something that I would like to incorporate into the look of the actual bookstore as well. It was suggested that I look at brass door knockers for cues, which I think could give me some good ideas and does have that kind of secret door/space feeling that I want for the store. Brass Kraken Books also has a nice ring with the alliteration. Sarah suggested that I try putting my logo into a more closed shape, along the lines of a family shield, and make it so that the logo can be varied slightly for each genre. I like this idea a lot, so I think that's what I will be working on next. And finally, I'm probably going to ask Beth about the composition of my portraits once I have sketches of all three.

I am very satisfied! :)
Oh, and here's a kraken. Enjoy.

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