Tuesday, October 19, 2010

What does a kraken look like? And what sort of feel do I want this logo to have? I've been looking to other artists and the ocean for inspiration.

I think that this is incredibly cool. It's a wall painting by Raewyn Haughton. It just makes me think that maybe I want to add a bit more realism and action/movement to the kraken in my logo?

And for the past few weeks I've been looking at old drawings of krakens, but maybe it would help to look at the real life inspirations....

The Octopus...

and the Squid.

Not really sure which one a kraken would look more like...but I think if I keep sketching I'll probably find a hybrid that works.

I've also been looking at pub/inn signs, since I think I want it to have that kind of look with a wooden sign.

Also, I finished 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea!

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