Thursday, September 30, 2010

Indecision (for the better)

This week I've mostly been exploring more logos and typefaces. Although I like the name "The Book Keep," at this point I think I'm going to keep my options open and explore some additional possibilities and images just so I'm not limiting myself and this project turns out to be the best it can be. My first critique is on Tuesday (yikes!) and by that time I'm planning on having 3 different potential names and at least 3 different logos for each name. I'd also like to have at least one bozzetto to demonstrate the direction I'd like to go with the author portraits.

Also in the area of my research, I've started reading 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea. Since I'm planning on doing a portrait of Jules Verne, as he is one of the pioneers of science fiction, I thought it would be necessary to read at least one of his works. I'm enjoying it thus far!

Finally, I may have a lead on custom shelves. One of my friends, Mary, said that her dad loves making shelves as a hobby and is pretty affordable. He's in the Cleveland area, which isn't so bad since it's close to wear I live. So hopefully I will hear back from her this weekend as to whether he'd be willing to help me out!

And more Bookshelf Porn for your viewing pleasure. This is a bike shelf. Very interesting, it would be fun to try to incorporate quirky objects like this into shelves...

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