I've finally started the portraits! I have 24 x 18 wooden panels that I gessoed during the week, and this past weekend I've started on HP Lovecraft. I brought an easel into my room, so I have a pretty convenient set up so I can work when I feel inspired to. So far Mr. Lovecraft is coming out decently, but I messed up a bit on his eyes and mouth so now he looks a lot like Richard Gere. Really weird how that happened, but I'll start posting process pictures shortly.
I'm painting this guy.
Not this guy.
My big critique is one week from now. I'll be working pretty hard this weekend...I'd like to have the portrait nearly finished if possible so I can get feedback on how to continue with all there. I also want to start sketching out some shelf and exhibition designs as well. I'm a bit nervous, but I'm sure I can pull it all together (plus I'll have a couple days to relax(ish) afterward!).
bahaha. the best part is that the painting actually did look a bit like richard gere. :D